Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues
Provide a definition of Information Technology/Information Communications Technology (APA reference required)
IT encompases the processes involved in development and implementation of computerised information systems mainly softwares and hardwares.
(Information Technology. Retrieved May 8, 2008, from Wikipedia Web site:
Consider the definition of IT you have provided. How is this form of technology prevalent in our society? How common place has it become?Society is very much computerised than ever before. It is so common that they are used in aspects like cooking, social networking, travelling, banking, communication, records, storage and games.
What IT devices or system do you feel comfortable and competent using?Communication devices such as phones, emails, forums and blogs.
Information retrieving from online search engines, databases and encyclopedias.
Music from mp3s, ipods, computers, websites, phones and stereos.
Kitchen appliances like microwaves, refrigerator, freezers, food processors, blenders and ovens.
Recording devices such as cameras, cell phones, video cameras, web cams, computers and USB.
Computer applications like MS Office, Photoshop, Windows, Mac etc
Thinking about your own fieldwork experiences consider how IT is being used in Occupational Therapy practice?IT is very much used in OT practice in a number of fields such as communication (email, phones, communication devices for disabled), mobility (wheelchairs, hoists, vehicles), kitchen appliances and leisure activity equipments such as mosaics and woodwork in activity groups. Cameras are used to take photos and videos. Computers are used for power points, word processing, assessments etc. DVD players, VCR and TV are used to show videos. Stereo is used for music and to play CDs or tapes in groups. Shredders are used to shred information on paper.
What ethical implications arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices (e.g. mobile phones) or systems (e.g. internet)Confidentiality and privacy of information shared are to be considered when sharing information in OT practice. Hacking can also be a risk of information being lost, transferred or stolen. This is why client names and their details are safe not to be used via these communication devices.
Provide a definition of Computer Ethics (APA reference required)Computer ethics similar to work ethics are related to how computer users conduct themselves with the information of computers in a professional as well as social manner.
(Computer ethics. Retrieved May 8, 2008, from Wikipedia Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_ethics.)
Provide a definition of Intellectual Property (APA reference required)Intellectual Property is related to the rights of the production of creativity of the mind like music, art, trademark logos etc
(Intellectual Property. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from Wikipedia Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property)
Provide a definition of Social Justice (APA reference required)It is the concept of justice in society in every aspect.
(Social justice. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from Wikipedia Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice)
Provide a definition of Informed Consent (APA reference required)Informed consent is the process when an individual knowingly agrees to something, given the facts and details about it.
(Informed consent. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from Wikipedia Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informed_consent)
In your own words briefly summarise why (or why not) a great understanding of ITC and the ethical issues it encompasses will help us in our practice and daily lives.Without ITC the world would seem a bit lost in this present time because almost everything is run by technology. A greater understanding will help one handle technical equipments, make work load easier and faster, get more perfect and reliable results sometimes and share information quickly and less expensive. Abiding by ethical rules will make it easier to work with technology by reducing the risks it can create and in some instances increase reliability. In OT practice, technology is a useful tool in all settings from ADLs (electric toothbrush) to teaching (power points) to leisure (mosaic tile cutter).
ITC definitely makes the world a faster place and makes work a lot simpler but as with anything else, technological devices can malfunction and it may not be very easy to fix them oneself.